Classical Music for Everyone!
Most of our artists are not associated with a record label, distributing and promoting their works by themselves. All artists have given their permission to have certain selections of their music available for public listening.
Classical FM Radio began in 2021 with a small following. The station is commercial-free, supported entirely by private donations. Over the years, we have attracted more listeners, and today, Classical FM Radio is one of the most popular classical stations on the Internet with a global audience of over 50,000.
Celebrating Independent Artists
Classical FM Radio was created to showcase independent artists specializing in classical and world music.
Most of our artists are not associated with a record label, distributing and promoting their works by themselves. All artists have given their permission to have certain selections of their music available for public listening.
Classical FM Radio began in 2021 with a small following. The station is commercial-free, supported entirely by private donations. Over the years, we have attracted more listeners, and today, Classical FM Radio is one of the most popular classical stations on the Internet with a global audience of over 50,000.

Other Services
Classic Jazz FM: https://classicjazz.fm
Easy Jazz FM: https://easyjazz.fm
West Coast Jazz Radio (USA, UK + Canada): https://westcoastjazzradio.com
More Great Radio
Classical FM Radio is part of a network of radio stations. Try our other channels!
Classic Jazz FM: https://classicjazz.fm
Easy Jazz FM: https://easyjazz.fm
West Coast Jazz Radio (USA, UK + Canada): https://westcoastjazzradio.com